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Bachelor in Germany

Why Choose Germany?

Germany is a popular destination for students from around the world, thanks to its top-notch education system, friendly environment, and high standard of living. The country boasts beautiful cities and stunning landscapes, creating an inspiring setting for students to thrive. With a variety of universities, colleges, and technical schools to choose from, students have ample opportunities to pursue undergraduate and postgraduate studies. Moreover, scholarships offered by the DAAD make quality education in Germany even more attainable.

Germany offers numerous scholarships for international students through the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

The educational landscape in Germany boasts a diverse array of institutions including colleges, technical schools, and universities offering undergraduate and postgraduate degrees such as bachelor’s and master’s programs.

Education System in Germany

Germany is known for being a top player in both research and economics, holding the title of Europe’s strongest economy and the world’s third. The country has been a breeding ground for innovation, nurturing the intellects of scientific luminaries such as Albert Einstein, Max Planck, and Alexander von Humboldt, who have significantly influenced our perception of the cosmos.



The invitation from Germany goes beyond its economic power. This country of possibilities presents a charming mix of history and modernity. Its famous cities and well-kept towns guarantee a satisfying way of life, but stepping outside them unveils the real German experience. After navigating the administrative challenges, Germany invites you to discover its enchanting scenery, grand castles, and distinctive architectural legacy.


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When traveling to Germany, make sure to have Euros on hand as it is the country’s currency. Either exchange your money for Euros beforehand or use a debit/credit card that can be used internationally. Remember to consider any additional fees that may come with using your card outside of your home country.

German is the primary language in Germany, although English is widely spoken. Basic proficiency in German is advisable for navigating daily life, and language schools across cities offer German language courses.


Life in Germany is bustling yet peaceful. Low corruption, reverence for silence, and ample job opportunities define the German experience.

Adherence to Rules

Germans uphold a strong adherence to rules, both written and unwritten. Familiarize yourself with local regulations to integrate seamlessly into your new home.

Worker's Rights

Germany values its workforce, offering robust protections for employees. Organizations exist to safeguard employee rights, ensuring fair treatment in the workplace.

Customer Service

Customer service standards in Germany may differ from those in North America. Expectations should be adjusted accordingly.

Apartment Furnishing

Finding accommodation in Germany can be challenging and expensive. Most apartments are unfurnished, requiring tenants to furnish them independently.

Public Transport

Germany boasts efficient and punctual public transportation systems, facilitating convenient travel across cities and regions.

Bicycle-Friendly Cities

German cities prioritize bicycle-friendly infrastructure, offering an environmentally friendly and economical mode of transportation.

Recycling Practices

Germany emphasizes environmental sustainability, with comprehensive recycling programs in place.

Education System

Germany offers accessible higher education, with nominal tuition fees compared to countries like the U.S., enabling graduates to commence their careers without substantial debt burdens.

Sunday Closures

In Germany, businesses typically close on Sundays, necessitating advance planning for daily essentials.

Travel Opportunities

Situated in the heart of Europe, Germany provides easy access to neighboring countries, offering diverse cultural experiences.

Culinary Delights

Beyond sausages, Germany offers a rich culinary landscape, featuring diverse cuisines and world-renowned beers.

Best Places to Live

Germany offers a multitude of cities with distinct atmospheres and ample job opportunities. Consider factors like cost of living and job prospects when choosing your ideal location.

If you anticipate budget constraints upon arrival, consider cities outside major urban centers like Berlin, which tend to be more affordable.


Germany ranks among the top twenty safest countries globally, as per the 2017 Global Peace Index. With a generally excellent security situation and low crime rates, Germany ensures safety across public facilities, transportation systems, and streets through the deployment of surveillance cameras and security checks, clearly marked for public awareness.

Its technological advancement positions Germany as one of the safest places to reside. Students worldwide favor Germany for its student-friendly environment, governance, and adherence to regulations. Numerous factors contribute to Germany feeling like home, including its reputation as a calm, peaceful nation with a strong technological edge. Germany has been fortunate to remain largely untouched by severe natural disasters. In addition to its inherent safety, Germany boasts political stability, efficient governance, and a populace characterized by education and advancement, ensuring smooth operations in various aspects of life.

Key points illustrating Germany's safety and security include:

  • Germany ranks among the most peaceful countries globally, as recognized by the Global Peace Index.
  • It holds the 15th position out of 153 participating countries in the index, surpassing countries like France and Italy.
  • Germany also stands out for its political stability.
  • Germans exhibit respect for human and civil rights, contributing to the overall sense of security.
  • A remarkable 90 percent of residents express contentment with their lives in Germany, according to the “Integration Barometer” survey conducted in 2010. Moreover, individuals with foreign roots report particularly favorable views, with 95 percent expressing happiness in Germany.

Travelers find Germany safe for several reasons:

  • Germany ranks as the 7th most popular tourist destination globally.
  • The country offers a comprehensive range of tourist services, including efficient public transportation networks, hotels, restaurants, theaters, and parks.
  • The tourism sector in Germany has experienced substantial growth, with over 25 million tourists visiting annually and 450 million overnight stays recorded in 2016.
  • The tourism industry contributes approximately 3.2% to Germany’s gross domestic product (GDP), bolstering the economy through various tourism-related enterprises such as hotels and guesthouses nationwide.


In Germany, foreign students are obligated by law to have some form of healthcare coverage. Health insurance is a prerequisite for students intending to study abroad, including those planning to pursue their education in Germany. This requirement may be unfamiliar to students from countries like India, where such regulations are not common. Here’s an overview of health insurance for students in Germany:

Health Insurance:

Healthcare costs abroad can be exorbitant, necessitating insurance coverage for students during their 2 to 4-year stay in Germany. Health insurance is compulsory for students studying in the country, providing essential coverage for any medical needs that may arise. While short-term and language program students may not be mandated to have health insurance, it is advisable for them to be insured nonetheless.

For international students outside the European Union, there are two primary options for health insurance:

  • Public Health Insurance from Germany: Germany mandates health coverage for individuals earning below €50,000 per year. Public health insurance schemes offer subsidized student health plans to international students, typically costing around €80 per month. This coverage encompasses various healthcare aspects and remains valid until the student turns 30 or completes their 14th semester, after which the monthly cost increases to approximately €160.
  • Private Insurance from Germany: While some universities may require public health insurance, others may accept private insurance. Students opting for private insurance should carefully review the coverage offered, ensuring it meets the university’s requirements.
  • Private Insurance from Home Country: Many private insurance plans from countries like India are recognized in Germany and offer cost-effective coverage with numerous benefits. Students opting for this option should inform the university in advance.

It is generally recommended that students choose public insurance if given the option, as it offers subsidized rates and broad coverage recognized not only in Germany but also across the European Union. While purchasing insurance from one’s home country may be convenient, it may not provide the same level of recognition and coverage in Germany and the EU.

Where to Obtain Insurance:

Students can obtain insurance information from their university’s international office or the DAAD in India. Additionally, they can reach out to student councils (Studentenwerk) in their region, which often offer special packages inclusive of accommodation, meal tickets, and health insurance coverage.

Securing health insurance is a crucial step for students planning to study in Germany, ensuring access to essential healthcare services during their academic journey.


Several factors influence a student’s choice of study destination, including top-tier colleges, research opportunities, and post-study employment prospects. Part-time work options also weigh significantly in this decision-making process. So, what are the options for students in Germany?

Before delving deeper, it’s important to consider two aspects of part-time work: eligibility and available choices.

Laws for Student Part-time jobs

International students in Germany are permitted to work part-time alongside their studies, subject to certain regulations:

  • Students can work for a maximum of 120 full days or 240 half days per year. This may vary based on the employment situation in the region.
  • Typically, students are restricted to 20 hours of work per week during term time but can engage in full-time employment during vacations.
  • A work permit from the Federal Employment Agency and the foreigners’ authority is mandatory.
  • Students enrolled in preparatory or language courses may only work during lecture-free periods with explicit permission.
  • Taxation is based on earnings; those earning less than 450 euros per month are exempt from taxes and social security contributions.
  • Working over 20 hours a week may necessitate health insurance and other contributions.
  • Compliance with federal laws is crucial to avoid expulsion from the country.

Types of Jobs:

These roles, involving tasks like marking papers, conducting tutorials, and assisting professors, offer decent pay and are highly competitive.

Waiting or catering jobs provide students with opportunities to explore the city, socialize, and earn tips.

Teaching English to German students can be lucrative for proficient speakers, although eligibility may vary based on nationality.

These jobs offer good pay and relevant experience, potentially leading to careers in Germany after studies. They are often advertised in local newspapers.


n average, students can expect to earn between 5 to 15 euros per hour, totaling approximately 450 euros per month. Wages may be higher in large cities but should cover the higher cost of living. Research assistants may earn more and be exempt from taxes. The standard limit for tax-exempt earnings is around 8,354 euros per year.


A German settlement permit is a permanent residence option for foreigners who have legally resided in Germany for a certain number of years. It grants unlimited permission to live, work, study, and bring family members to Germany. After spending 8 years in Germany with a settlement permit, you can apply for naturalization.

What is a German settlement permit for foreign graduates of German universities?

This permit is available to graduates of German higher education institutions who have come to Germany for study. To be eligible, you must have graduated from a state-approved German institution of higher education or an equivalent one.

You must have worked in Germany for at least two years after graduation, with your employment matching your academic qualifications obtained in Germany. During this time, you must have held a residence permit for work, self-employment, or an EU Blue Card, and consistently contributed to pension insurance.

Throughout this period, you must have maintained a clean criminal record, avoiding any involvement in criminal activities or charges.

What are the requirements to apply for a residence permit as a foreign graduate in Germany?

You must provide several documents when applying for a German settlement permit as a foreign graduate. These documents should be submitted in their original form along with photocopies. Here’s a comprehensive list of the documentation needed:

  • Completed application form: Submit the completed form “Antrag auf Erteilung der Niederlassungserlaubnis.”
  • Valid national passport with a valid residence permit.
  • 1 biometric photograph.
  • Degree awarding certificate issued by a recognized German higher education provider, indicating the academic title received (e.g., bachelor, master, PhD, diploma).
  • Evidence of employment for the past two years.
  • Employment contract if employed for less than 2 years.
  • Proof of paid pension insurance covering a two-year period.
  • Evidence of previous freelance work (if applicable).
  • Proof of health insurance coverage.
  • Proof of accommodation and registration, including rental contract and letter of address registration “Meldebestätigung.”
  • Professional license (if applicable for regulated professions in Germany).
  • Recognized German language certificate or evidence of German language proficiency equivalent to at least B1 level of the CEFR.
  • Adequate means of subsistence to cover living and accommodation costs.
  • Declaration of any previous convictions or receipt of social security benefits (if applicable).
  • Evidence of current employment/self-employment:

If employed:

  • Existing employment contract.
  • Proof of salary receipt covering the recent six months.
  • Bank account statements.
  • Salary slips.
  • Certificate of employment issued by the employer within the past 2 weeks.

If self-employed:

  • Audit report completed by tax consultants, certified public accountants, or authorized persons, along with a commercial register excerpt.
  • Latest tax notice.
  • Evidence of business workspace and related costs.
  • Rental contract showing monthly rent (for rented property) or purchase contract showing property cost (for owned property).

Note: Additional documents may be required based on individual circumstances.

The application fee for a settlement permit is 135 Euros for employed individuals and 200 Euros for self-employed individuals.

Where to submit the application for a settlement permit?

Contact the local Foreigner’s Registration Office to determine the appropriate competent department for submitting your settlement permit application. Depending on your nationality, a different department may handle your application.


Understanding how to obtain German citizenship is crucial for many individuals aspiring to live, work, and study in Germany. Germany’s bureaucratic procedures and citizenship laws are intricate, and navigating them requires a comprehensive understanding of the requirements and application processes. Below, we’ve broken down this guide into detailed sections to provide insights into tips, prerequisites, and procedures for acquiring German citizenship.

What does it mean to have German Citizenship?

Living in Germany as a permanent resident does not grant you citizenship; rather, it imposes certain limitations on your status. Obtaining German citizenship unlocks various rights and freedoms not available to non-citizens, including:

  • The right to vote
  • Free movement rights
  • Assembly and association rights
  • Consular protection rights
  • Unrestricted access to job opportunities
  • Eligibility for civil service roles, among others

In addition to these rights outlined in the German constitution, German citizenship entails obligations and duties, such as integrating into society, adhering to laws, and potentially serving in the German military.

Types of German Citizenship

German citizenship can be acquired through three primary avenues:

  1. Naturalization: Fulfilling specific residency and integration requirements.
  2. Right of Blood (Jus Sanguinis): Being a direct descendant of German citizens.
  3. Right of Soil (Jus Soli): Being born within the borders of Germany.

Each of these pathways has its own set of rules and regulations, which we’ll explore further.

German Naturalization

Naturalization entails applying for German citizenship after residing in Germany for a certain period. However, stringent requirements must be met for eligibility:

  • Residency: You must have lived in Germany on a residence permit for at least 8 years, or 7 years with attendance at an integration course.
  • Language Proficiency: Proof of German language proficiency at least at the B1 level.
  • Financial Stability: Demonstrating financial self-sufficiency without reliance on state assistance.
  • Good Conduct: Maintaining a clean criminal record.
  • Citizenship Test: Passing a citizenship test.
  • Renunciation of Previous Citizenship(s): Except in cases where relinquishing citizenship is impossible or not permitted by another country.

How to Apply for German Citizenship Naturalization?

  1. Obtain an application form from the local immigration office or relevant authorities.
  2. Compile a file of required documents, including proof of residency, language proficiency, financial stability, and criminal record.
  3. Pass the German Citizenship Test, which assesses knowledge of German society, laws, and local regulations.
  4. Submit the application and required documents for review.

German Citizenship by Marriage

Foreign nationals married to German citizens can also apply for citizenship through naturalization. However, they must meet marriage duration and residency requirements.

German Citizenship by Descent

German citizenship can be acquired by descent if one or both parents are German citizens. Descendants must be registered with German authorities before turning one year old.

German Citizenship by Birth

Children born in Germany to non-German parents may qualify for citizenship by birth under certain conditions, including parental residency and immigration status.

Giving up German Citizenship

Renouncing German citizenship is generally not permitted, except in specific circumstances. Citizenship may be lost if obtained through illegal means or if acquired citizenship from another country.

Re-naturalization of German Citizenship

Individuals who previously renounced German citizenship or lost it for non-criminal reasons may apply for re-naturalization, subject to the same requirements as initial naturalization.

Understanding the intricacies of German citizenship laws is essential for individuals seeking permanent residency and integration into German society. Each pathway to citizenship has its own requirements and procedures, necessitating careful consideration and adherence to legal guidelines.

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High-Quality Education:

Germany offers a top-tier education system known for its excellence and high standards. Degrees obtained from German institutions are widely recognized and respected worldwide. Institutions uphold rigorous academic standards and undergo thorough reviews to ensure quality education.

World-class Educational Institutes:

Germany boasts prestigious universities that are globally renowned for their academic excellence. These institutions provide a diverse range of programs to cater to the needs of both local and international students. They offer internationally recognized degrees at an affordable cost.

Diverse Program Offerings:

German universities offer a wide array of programs at the undergraduate, postgraduate, master’s, and doctoral levels across various fields of study. With thousands of programs to choose from, students have the flexibility to select a program that aligns with their academic and career goals.

Affordable Education Costs:

Compared to other popular education destinations like the USA and Australia, Germany offers affordable education options. The cost of studying and living in Germany is relatively lower, making it an attractive choice for students seeking quality education without the financial burden.

Simplified Student Visa Process:

Germany has streamlined its student visa application process, making it straightforward and efficient, particularly for Indian students. The simplified visa procedures ease the transition for international students wishing to pursue education in Germany.

Top Universities for Study in Germany:

  1. Berlin Institute of Technology (Technische Universität Berlin): Renowned for its research contributions, TU Berlin is a leading institution with a significant international student population, offering diverse academic programs.

  2. University of Stuttgart: Established in 1829, the University of Stuttgart is one of Germany’s oldest technical universities, acclaimed for its programs in civil, mechanical, industrial, and electrical engineering.

  3. University of Hamburg: Founded in 1919, the University of Hamburg ranks among the top 200 universities globally, recognized for its academic excellence and research contributions across various disciplines.

Choosing to study in Germany offers students access to high-quality education, renowned institutions, diverse program offerings, affordability, and a streamlined visa process, making it an ideal destination for academic pursuits.

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